Berserk Pixel Game

Getting us project in front of more people, especially during the Early Access phase, is a critical part of building a successful fan project like "Berserk" based on the beloved "Berserk" manga and anime series. We've explored various strategies to achieve this goal, and here's a discussion of what working

What Working:

    We will Leveraging Existing Fandom: "Berserk" has a dedicated and passionate fan base. Leveraging the existing community by participating in forums, subreddits, and fan groups allowed us to introduce our project to people who were already interested in the source material. Engaging in discussions and sharing updates within these communities helped create initial buzz.

    Engaging Social Media: Utilizing platforms like Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, we planed regularly posting concept art, development updates, and teasers. Visual content, especially pixel art, tends to catch the eye and generate shares. Engaging with hashtags related to "Berserk" and pixel art also broadened our reach.

    Regular Updates: Consistency in providing updates about the game's development kepting the community engaged. This approach will not only retaing our current supporters but also attracted new ones.

    Demo Releases: Releasing a playable demo during Early Access proved highly effective. It will allow players to experience the game firsthand, generating excitement and word-of-mouth marketing. Players who will enjoy the demo often will shared their experiences on gaming forums and social media, further increasing visibility.

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Sep 01, 2023

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